Mission Statement

To present the Gospel of Jesus Christ to youth and to assist those who are committed to Jesus Christ with opportunities for spiritual growth and discipleship so that they may mature in their personal relationship with Him. 

Goals and Objectives

Specific Goals and Objectives:


  • To provide outreach opportunities for youth
  • To provide regular opportunities for young people to hear and discuss God’s Word
  • To create caring communities that foster spiritual growth among young people
  • To empower, train and involve youth in spiritual leadership development
  • To target college students and young adults for discipleship and training in leadership development
  • To intentionally spend time with youth with the aim of building trusting relationships
  • To provide young people and youth leaders with spiritual seminars, retreats and camps
  • To recruit, train and develop youth leaders who love Jesus Christ
  • To develop usable facilities for youth ministry activities
  • To partner and network with other organizations that share a common interest in youth ministry
  • To be a self-governed, self-supported, and self-propagating ministry that appropriately meets the needs of the communities in which we minister
  • To be active in developing the Kingdom of God in the communities where we minister

Statement of Faith

Preamble: Those persons participating in the mission of the Bahamas Youth Network shall be in agreement with its desire to make known the Gospel of Jesus Christ. All directors, officers, staff and volunteers shall be in agreement with the following Statement of Faith.


We believe:

  1. That the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament are the divinely inspired and infallible Word of God, and that they are the supreme authority on all matters of faith and conduct.
  1. In God, the loving Creator who eternally exists in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
  1. That God created Adam and Eve, they sinned, and as a result, all people are born into a sinful state.  Humankind is born guilty before their Creator.  The consequences of sin are physical and spiritual death, otherwise known as separation from God. Human beings can do nothing on their own to merit the favor of God or reconcile themselves to God.  
  1. Jesus Christ died for our sins, according to the Scriptures, as an atoning and substitutionary sacrifice.  On the third day, according to the Scriptures, he rose bodily from the dead.  He is seated at the right hand of the Father, continuing to rule as Lord over all and interceding for us as our Great High Priest.
  1. All who believe in Jesus Christ are justified on the ground of His work on the cross and are adopted into His family.  By the grace of God, believers are restored into a right relationship with God and granted eternal life, thus having assurance of salvation.
  1. That the Holy Spirit renews our hearts, compelling us to repent of our sins and confess Jesus as Lord.  The Holy Spirit operates in the sanctification of believers, and empowers Christians for service in furthering the Kingdom of God.
  1. That Christ established a visible church, which under the Spirit and Word, has been summoned to preach the Gospel, disciple believers, administer the sacraments, to relieve human need, and to strive for social justice.
  1. That God’s redemptive plan will be consummated by the return of Christ to raise the dead, judge all men and establish His glorious kingdom.